Chlorine QSR 0-300 ppm Test Strips

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: Food Safety & Sanitizer

: AOSS Medical Supply

Regular price $21.00

AOSS Medical Supply

1 bottle x 100 tests

Serim offers two specialty products to help food safety/restaurant staff quickly determine when sanitizer solutions are outside the target range.  In addition to our easy to read color blocks, our Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) test strips designate both the Target Range and STOP/Replace range.  Our Chlorine Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) test strips provide the same quality and ease of use as our other Food Safety and Sanitation test strips.

Our MONITOR™ for Chlorine (0-300 ppm) QSR designates a target range of 50 – 200 ppm in GREEN.  Sanitizing solutions measured outside this targeted use range are identified in RED and identified with Stop/Replace.  Please mention Product Code 5148Q when ordering this specialty product.